Supermarket Together Frequently Asked Questions

Hello, we are receiving these days lots of feedback and suggestions so we are slower in answering posts. Thanks for your understanding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the saves located?

Here by default:

C:\Users\YOUR-USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\DDTNL\Supermarket Together

My interface, game, day funds, etc have disappeared when I join a game!!

Previous updated patches have introduced some changes to some interface and tutorial behaviours. Make sure everybody is up to date.

My game freezes when joining another player's lobby.

Some particular firewalls or antivirus seem to be messing with the connection between the game and Steam. Refer to this topic

How many players is the max?

16 . However, when the store grows in size, the game is advanced and more than 70 NPCs visit your store at the same time... the host -needs- a decent connection so the rest of players won't lag.

How to join a friend's game?

When creating a new game or loading one, host should select the matchmaking option "Only Friends". The code needed to join can be copy-pasted by the Host when accessing the pause menu ingame, clients will need the code to join a game.

When I copy a join code it appears empty.

You probably created a new game or loaded one in Private mode. Change to Only Friends.

What does difficulty do?

The higher the difficulty the higher the amount of customers that spawn from Day 1, it also affects their speed, their chance of being thieves, the amount of trash that will spawn in the shop and more. Increase the difficulty if you want a -faster- start.

How does the number of players affect gameplay?

Similar answer to difficulty with the addition that since in coop everything flows faster and you need more money, every player that connects will award the store with +1000 dollars. This is capped so it doesn't break progression.

How to save the game?

Game is saved automatically every new day. Make sure you don't disconnect during the end day statistics screen.

How do you sell furniture?

  • The tablet in the office has a delete option (the first option, which is a red X), which allows to sell furniture and decorations when clicking on them with the tablet in hand. You cannot sell an item while the store is open

    • If you sell a furniture, you'll get back 90% of what you paid for it
    • If you sell a decoration, you'll get back 50% of what you paid for it

Can I deactivate a register?

  • There's no method yet to deactivate or close a register. You can wait for the next update.

  • For now, you can sell it using the tablet in the manager's room. You can get a 90% refund. Please note that you can only sell large items at 8:00 AM, before you open your shop.

How to get into The Cool People Room?

  • I saw the cool people DLC, And if i buy it, do my friends have to buy it too, to get in if they are in my lobby?
    • Yes, you can only get into the room and change your appearance if you have purchased it yourself

What are Storage employees?

Storage employees move delivered items from the curb into your storage shelves, they will also find and throw away empty boxes.

What is the difference between restock and storage employee?

Storage employees will pickup delivered boxes from the street to store them on your storage shelves, restock will take boxes from your storage shelves to restock the display shelves in your store.

Where can I leave my comments, ideas and issues about the game so the Developers can read it?

View the link. The most direct way to leave feedback for the devs to see it